Monday, February 1, 2010

On Mistakes...

"Some mistakes are much too fun to make only once"
Some of the best moments and things in my life have come courtesy of a mistake and I wouldn't change them for anything. The more I grow up, the more I realize not only that life goes on, but that life is good, mistakes and all. I've learned that we all have different views on what constitutes a mistake, and to judge one another by their choices is a lot of effort for a lot less payoff. I would never expect anyone to live their life according to what I see as right and wrong, although I do think some people could benefit from a healthy dose of vitamin V[odka] more often.

Yes, there are times when I would have given anything to be able to ctrl+alt+delete myself out of certain situations which shall remain only in my memories [or my iPhoto in some cases], but regret is not the way I wish to spend my time. Well, except the time I decided to pass on Chanel's sale on Rouge Noir nail polish...that I still regret and will continue to regret until I get that fabulous blood red shade on my nails.

The moral of the story: with the exception of major legal no-no's, you decide what constitutes a mistake in your life and if you feel good about a choice you made, all the power to you. Life is too short to judge, and your life is too short to worry about what others think of you. Surround yourself with a variety of people and take comfort in the fact that most of the time, no one notices your mistakes, they're too busy concentrating on their own.

I mean unless your mistake ends up on TFLN --- that everyone notices.

Wishing you a mistake-filled Tuesday.



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