Tuesday, February 2, 2010

'Tis Wednesday

"I believe that sex is a beautiful thing between two
people. Between five, it's fantastic" - Woody Allen

Happy hump day bloggettes.

The Photo:

The Scene: rushing around getting ready to leave while trying to decide between pants or a skirt for work today. The skirt looks better but the frigid cold air feels better on my legs through pants, than through very thin patterned tights.

The Song... "Put It In A Love Song" - Beyonce & Alicia Keys. It's a Thursday through Saturday night song that should require leather leggings, stilettos, and a hot dance partner. Any takers?

The Advice... for all you brides getting married this year [or all you girls with an 'I.must.look.good' date in your head] - the week before your wedding or event, drink as much water as you possibly can... I'm talking bottles and bottles a day. A day before your event, cut the fluid consumption by a good 80%. Because you've been drinking so much water, your body will be flushing out toxins and fluid retention quickly [aka, lots of bathroom trips] - when you quit fluids a day before, your body won't register the drop in consumption so you'll still be taking regular bathroom trips - but since you aren't taking in as much fluid, your body will look extra toned :)

[as a disclaimer, I understand that not all my methods can be classified as super healthy but you know what? Your wedding day or that hot TIFF party where you think you'll run into George Clooney (sans the Italian beauty) is a day you want to look your best, so why not help yourself out a little bit?]

The Entertainment...this week I have two YouTube video's on replay this week. First, Pink's Grammy performance was amazing, as is her body. Girl crush? Think so. Second and somewhat embarassing, I've been watching a video of a headbanging baby over and over again and each time it gets funnier and funner. Wait, 'funnier' isn't a word is it?

The Inappropriate...handshake. Weak handshakes are a big pet peeve of mine and make me extremely uncomfortable. Is it too hard to put some strength into your grip when you meet someone? I'm not asking you to break my hand, but a little firmness would be greatly appreciated [thats what she said].

The Obsession...is dance. I have always loved dance and besides 5am weights, dance on floor was one of my favourite parts of gymnastics. This week I started taking dance classes again, Saturday was contemporary and last night was Power Barre [the workout responsible for Kelly Rippas ripped bod...also the workout responsible for my inability to sit, walk, or bend over today]. Next on the list is intermediate contemporary and hip hop contemporary and I can't wait. Besides the surface pain, it feels awesome to dance and move my body in different ways again and I can see this obsession getting stronger as time goes on. WIN.

The Frustration...is with the combination of winter and my iPhone. For all you iPhone users you'll understand without me even having to explain, but for those of you stuck in the Blackberry generation [or worse] - the iPhone touch screen only registers skin contact, which means when you're wearing gloves you can't use your phone. FAIL.

The Shoutout...this week is to the hard working FA who knows his business inside and out - I'm proud of you!

Au revoir...



Jen said...

Weak handshakes is my biggest pet peeve... thus why we are friends. You'd think when weak handshake people shake the hands of people like me (non-weak handshake people) and I end up feeling like I've just crushed their hand... they would get the effin' point!

The only thing worse is hugging someone and you give them a good, honest-to-goodness, hug and they air hug you with a tap on the back... people need to be taught these things in pre-school - handshake and proper hug. Stupid.

Laura said...

OR - another of my fav's which is a huge problem when half your company is French, is the uncertain-ness of the "should I go for one kiss, or the double kiss, or the hug" when you see your colleagues for the first time in a while - I always end up doing the wrong thing and creating that akward "i just brushed your liips with mine" greeting.

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