Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday Mash.Up

It's Wednesday bloggettes and this b*tch had an exciting day.
Details to follow. Video to follow. Rates to follow? You betta.

The Photo

The Scene... 10:45 pm [cutting it close I know], skyping with my true love, in full runway makeup and hair. Ooh la la

The Song...Glitter in the Air by Pink - but the live Grammy version. Did you see that ribboned suit? Break me off a piece of that.

The Advice...Want an extra shine boost to your hair? After you rinse out your shampoo & conditioner, before getting out of the shower turn the water on cold and rinse your hair again. The cold water will seal the cuticle and increase shine. Bling Bling.

The Entertainment...tonight was via myself. No more can be said, link to follow.

The Inappropriate... way to cancel plans. High up on my list of "I hate when people do this.." things - I can't stand when I have plans with someone, and on the day of, they disappear. Don't answer calls, don't respond to texts, and never say anything until two days later when its "Oh I'm so sorry I was so busy." Riiight. If you don't want to hang out with me, tell me.

The Obsession.... this week goes to NARS Easy Lover lip gloss - the perfect clear glossy hot pink lip that I've been coveting is finally mine. WIN.

The Frustration... is my new found lazy eye in photo's. Have I always had this, or is my left eye suddenly slacking? Is it trying out a new semi-wink pose because it's always the "bad" eye [you know, the eye that your eyeshadow always seems worse on] - Either way, I need to submit a headshot for a few  things coming up and if this continues, I'm going to have to part my hair on the other side. Huge. Dilemma.I.Know

The Shoutout... to a west-coast beauty on her way somewhere very warm, to see someone very hot, and to enjoy some time together that has been very long coming. I'll watch extra Criminal Minds for you these next couple weeks. Safe travels Xx.

I hope you've all had a wonderful hump day, filled with lots of...



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