Sunday, January 3, 2010

Twenty Ten in More and Less

Happy New Year!

Did you make a new years resolution? Do you plan to keep it?

I am undecided on new years resolutions. I don't normally make them, and if I do, I don't take it seriously enough to follow through. I do believe that setting goals and kicking bad habits is a must, but why at the changing of a calendar year do we all become motivated, energized people (or at least fake that we are)?

Did you feel different Friday morning than you did Thursday night? Did you wake up Friday with a plan for 2010 that cuts out Cheetos and costs $100 a month for a gym membership? I didn't - I didn't feel any different. Well, except for my liver. And my headache. And my need for McDonald's. Physical pain aside, mentally - I felt just the same as I did on Thursday night (well actually Thursday night I felt a little prettier, and a little funnier, but you get the point).

I think meeting the goals you set for yourself is best accomplished if you set these goals on your own time, and on your own terms. It shouldn't take spring break or a trip with your new boyfriends family (hot brother included) to force yourself to get those abs you saw on the cover of Shape magazine (when you were picking up your weekly InStyle or OK! magazine [US Weekly is way better IMO]), nor should it take one too many walk-of-shames for us to decide that maybe Margarita Monday isn't necessary.

Seasons, embarrassing events, or other people shouldn't play the biggest role in the goals we set for ourselves. Summer isn't going to come to your house and run with you, and don't even count on February to drag you to the gym for your upcoming vacation. If we let these dictate our goals, what happens when they go away? Seasons come and go and people change - but if the goals are on your terms, you are more likely to meet them.

So, in lieu of new years resolutions, I put together a list of 'more and less's that I'd like to see for myself in 2010 without letting the seasons or the shortbread cookies play a role.

In 2010, I'd like to see
More weekends at home, and less work on Sunday nights.
More laughing, and less bitching.
More money in my bank account, and less donations to Sephora.
More cooking, and less Starbucks.
More Ab Ripper, and less liver ripper.
More quality family time, and less facebook
More breakfast, less liquid diet
More talking, less texting
More water, and less of the bubbly version with vodka (and a lime. Always a lime, never a lemon)

So there you have it, stick with me for 2010 and we'll see if come January 2011, I'm a little richer, a little more rested, and able to feel prettier and funnier after only one glass of wine.


Unknown said...

..all worthy goals indeed. Sephora and Starbucks will survive sans elle, fresh groceries and a new recipe to try weekly (especially sat/sun) will go a long way to help stay on track - "Good food ends with good talk." Geoffrey Neighor, Northern Exposure, Duets, 1993: elle_d

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